Backticks, the markup for code, are paired.I type in what I need bolded, then press ⌃ + E to get to the end of the markup and get on with my writing. That gives me four asterisks with the cursor in the middle. I don’t use that much though, I press ⌘ + ⌥ + B. Type another one and you are in markup for bold. When you are wanting an italic, just type an asterisk and the cursor gets surrounded by two asterisks.

So, it is easy to apply bold and italic just by typing one or two asterisks. Asterisks and underscores are auto paired and will wrap selected text.

I have all markdown files assigned to Github Flavored Markdown and that lets me use tables, footnotes and tasks. The MarkdownEditing package brings support for three flavors of markdown to Sublime Text 3: Standard Markdown, Github Flavored Markdown(GFM) and MultiMarkdown. I am going to highlight some of the features which makes this package useful to me. What does this do? Read the readme.md file in the package and you will get all the details.
These are the packages we are going to install to make Sublime Text 3 a fantastic markdown editor. We are going to use the community contributed packages and ignore the default markdown package. Sublime Text 3 provides a Markdown package by default. Follow the instructions and get Package Control installed. If you are using Sublime Text 3 you need to get package control installed. NovemWriting (Better) Markdown in Sublime Text 3